The Province approved the Business Plan in May 2019. The next step will be to move to procurement and construction.
Time Line of Events
- May 2019 - Province announces approval of the Business Plan permitting the project to move to Procurement.
- April 2018 RFPs released to select consultants to assist with the Business Plan
- Feb 9, 2018 Minister Dix announced the Concept Plan was now approved and the Business Plan would begin.
- October 2018, revised Concept Plan submitted to the Province
- February 28, 2017 -announcement made by the Province to move the project forward. (Concept Plan was not approved)
- February 2017 -Updated Concept plan submitted by Northern Health to the Ministry of Health for review.
- Sept 2014 -Concept Plan with the Ministry of Health. Master Plan, Master Program and Costing Complete. The next step will be to prepare the Business Plan. Provincial approval is needed to proceed
- October 2012 -Master Planning for Mills Memorial Contract to be awarded.
- July 2012, detailed Functional Program including indicative design with option. This process was about what physicians and nurses needed in a new hospital. This is the first major step in facility replacement.
- Nov 2011 A delegation from Northern Health Authority presented the options for Mills Memorial Hospital. This was an in-camera meeting.
- Rise and Report: This Board recommends to the new board that the new Board support Northern Health in working towards replacing Mills Memorial instead of renovating it.
- May 2011 NWRHD toured Mills Memorial as part of the Regular Board Meeting. After the tour a debrief occurred with much discussion centered around the need to replace or rebuild. NWRHD requested a report on the analysis being done by Northern Health Authority.
- Sept 2010 - UBCM Meeting with Minister of Health. Requested replacement of Mills Memorial. This request had been made for several years prior.