Updated March 15, 2024
B.C. Premier David Eby was in Terrace on Friday, March 15 with Municipal Affairs Minister Anne Kang to announce funding for the Northwest BC Resource Benefits Alliance (RBA). The province has committed to distribute $250 million to the RBA over 5 years, first announced during the province’s budget presentation on February 22.
The Trades building at Coast Mountain College functioned as the backdrop for the announcement
“Thank you to our provincial officials and everyone who made this possible,” said RDKS chair Cyra Yunkws. “I especially want to thank our elected officials, both past and present. Along with our staff, they put in a significant amount of effort in engaging with the province to advocate for our region. This funding is a result of their hard work and will be extremely beneficial for our residents.”
The RBA has engaged with the B.C. government since 2014, advocating for the Northwest. They have discussed the region’s challenges in raising the revenue needed to build and maintain the infrastructure to support resource development and to ensure that Northwest B.C. communities are places where residents, industries, and businesses can thrive.
The first payment is expected later in the spring, and allocation information will be provided as it becomes available.
View the full news release.
The B.C. government presented their budget for 2024 on February 22. Included was $250 million over five years for the Northwest BC Resource Benefits Alliance (RBA).
This funding will support planning and construction of infrastructure such as roads, water, sewer, and other community facilities needed to create liveable communities.
“This funding is a gamechanger for all our communities. It allows us to fix, replace and build basic infrastructure that all our communities rely on… without the heavy financial burden being placed on our residents.” Prince Rupert Mayor and RBA Co-Chair Herb Pond
Read the full news release here.
The Northwest BC Resource Benefits Alliance is an association of all 21 local governments across the Northwest. Formed in 2014, the RBA includes all member municipalities and electoral areas of three Regional Districts, including the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine.
The RBA was created to negotiate a new funding agreement with the province to ensure that the Northwest benefits from the tremendous level of economic development activity in the region.
Learn more at Northwest BC Resource Benefits Alliance (nwresourcebenefits.ca)