Are you and your family prepared at home, work and at school?

Natural disasters can strike any community at anytime. They can include:

  • interface wildfires,
  • floods,
  • landslides
  • or earthquakes / tsunamis

Technological or environmental accidents can also happen, such as chemical spills, service disruptions like power outages or severe storms.

Expect the unexpected and plan for it.
In a major disaster, people will need to look after themselves and their families for at least 72 hours, so take an active role in emergency preparedness.

Three Simple Steps
know the risks, make a plan, get a kit

Consider your responsibilities for your pets and animals and include them in your 'family' emergency plans!

Also, plan for individual special needs and challenges. You need to plan for individuals with disabilities and people with medical needs.

Are you ready to evacuate your home at a moment’s notice?

Prepare an emergency kit that you can simply grab and go, containing materials and belongings that will help you get through the  first few hours after a disaster, or until its once again safe for you to go home.

Here are some suggestions of what to include in your kit:

  • A small first aid kit & first aid manual
  • Fire Extinguisher (Type A, B and C fires)
  • Wind up or battery-powered Flashlight & batteries
  • Portable wind up or battery-powered AM/FM radio & batteries
  • Cash (smaller denominations) and coins
  • Medications (ifneeded), eyeglasses
  • Medical supplies if needed
  • Waterproof matches & candles
  • Food (dried fruit & soup, crackers, freeze dried/foil pouch products)
  • Special foods if medically needed
  • A three day supply of water (at least two litres per person per day)
  • Manual can opener
  • A blanket and warm, protective clothing
  • Sturdy, flat comfortable shoes
  • Toilet tissue and other personal care items (ie. toothbrush, toothpaste, sanitary supplies)
  • Whistle, pocket knife
  • Heavy Gloves
  • Extra keys for your vehicle and house
  • Flares (for the vehicle)
  • Small tool kit (for the vehicle)
  • Local maps
  • If you have a pet, don't forget a three day supply of food

If you are given an evacuation alert, you may also want to include items that can't be replaced such as:

  • photographic negatives or photos,
  • special papers (insurance, medical records, records of your possessions)
  • and family heirlooms.